Unique & powerful photography“Mr Flash”
Claes Axstål grew up with cameras at his father’s photo store Foto Man in Gothenburg, Sweden.
My speciality is to capture aircraft, boats & other big objects in real-life-action with a very powerful & one-of-its-kind photo flash strobe system. The imagery we create is called “Airborne Flash Photography”. We certainly also work in solely existing light.
I started my professional photography career in the early 80’s shooting sailing, travel & automobiles and in the 90’s I brought flash photography to new heights with ski photography in the high mountains. At the turn of the millennium I wanted to do something new for my interests and built the 250 kg Algot Flash System for a powerful imagery to the aviation & marine industry. I got it approved for operation onboard aircraft thanks to super great collaboration with the Swedish Air Force and US Coast Guard.
In short my Airborne Flash Photography is an unique creative photographic marketing tool for the marine- & aviation industry. We also operate the CMP A-System for other subject matters, on land & at sea.
So when you like to capture a clear image of e.g. a boat, helicopter and even a big ship or a jet aircraft in a intense sunrise and not only show man’s beautiful craft as a dark silhouettes, then there is no substitute for our an additional and very powerful light source to overpower the sunlight and make real life photography.
Please view this 8 minutes video presentation of my Airborne Flash Photography (shorter video) at the Xposure International Photography Festival and our sunset & sunrise photography demo at Skydive Dubai.
So don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us show you what we can best, to illuminate your vision !